Monday, May 18, 2009

Top 8 Reasons Why Malaysia Can be the Best Place To Retire

If you're reading this, then you're probably looking for a more adventurous retirement option. Well, you've come to the right place. I hope this sarawak malaysia ease your burden to decide on where to retire. Here are the Top 8 reasons, why Malaysia can be the best place to retire:

1. Your Dollars, Pounds or Euros buy so much more in Malaysia!
Cheap places to live, cheap food cheap hotel drink means you can retire on less money or retire while you're still young enough to fully enjoy life. Depending on where you choose to live, your existing resources and foreign income (including internet income) can buy more (5 to 10 times) the value for similar items and services in the USA, Canada or Europe. Property purchase, lease or rental, food, drink, domestic services such as cooking, housekeeping ?even medical care can be incredibly cheap compared to what you're used to.

2. Kuala Lumpur is the cheapest city in the world!

It is! road runner high speed internet according to report compiled by Swiss Bank UBS ?(published in The Star Aug, 10 2006 You can enjoy a lifestyle far, far better than that available in kamus bahasa malaysia Western countries, with the same funds.

3. Everybody's rushing to come to Malaysia

Take a look at this quote from this article from Reuters:
"In the last four years, nearly 10,000 people have taken advantage 8mb broadband Malaysia's package of a 10-year renewable multiple entry visa, tax exemption on pensions, a waiver of import and sales tax for vehicles, and permission to import domestic staff"

4. Just about everybody speaks English!

English is a compulsory subject in schools. All foreign movies and TV programs are not dubbed to the local language. Asking directions from an old lady or visiting rural villages will not be a hassle at all

5. Close to nearby travel hotspots

Not only are streamyx combo registration world-class playgrounds (Thailand, Bali, and the Philippines) all within a jlc internet tv hour's travel from Malaysia, but miles of beaches and numerous coastal islands add to its tropical appeal

6. Its just simply Shopper's Paradise

Most of the items that tourists normally like to buy - perfumes, cosmetics, watches, fountain pens, a long list of electronic goods, branded goods etc. are completely free of tax. Quality goods from all over the world are imported and are relatively low in price and sold throughout Malaysia

7. An abundant list of activities to be done

Malaysia has many diverse offers; from the best diving spots, to the oldest rainforest in the world. If you feel up to it, you can get your hands on beaches, scuba diving, boating, fishing, off road 4WD adventures, camping, hiking, swimming, golf, swinging in a hammock under a shade tree, gprs internet seeing, water parks, highlands, villages, bar hopping, nite clubbing, movies, restaurants, malls, modern shopping. Its all here! Furthermore, Malaysia is such a small country, all these locations are within hours (drive, much less with flights) from each other!

8. International Food & Fruits

In today's Malaysia, most towns have large shopping malls stocked with produce from all over the world so expatriate and retirees are not denied a plentiful supply of those favourite items which, in earlier decades, often led to suitcases being filled with one or two year's supply of vital' necessities such as Marmite and Paxo Stuffing. But there's so much local varieties, there won't be enough time to eat that pasta

So there you go. These are the top 8, but as usual, the list goes on....

Faisal is a professional who works in a prominent multinational company. His main interests are travel, cooking and playing music. He has helped numerous foreign friends to retire in Malaysia either from his ex-colleagues at work, or simply people he met during his travel or from the internet. Now, he has published a book on this topic, available at

He's been to places like United States of America, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Czech Republic and around South East Asia.

His passion is meeting new local and international friends. Faisal participates in a peace promoting organisation under the United Nations called SERVAS. He is also a member of and

MAC 18 - Nampaknya isu kerajaan perpaduan mendapat olahan pelbagai pihak. Ada yang pro dan ada yang kontra.

Utusan melalui penulisnya juga mempunyai pendirian dalam konteks ini. Namun, tulisan itu ( lebih dilihat dari perspektif spin master untuk menimbulkan keraguan di kalangan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat.

Sebagai antara pihak yang awal melaporkan perkara ini, suka internet movies tegaskan, apa yang saya faham dari kenyataan Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, adalah: menjadi pra syarat kepada unity government ini adalah persetujuan semua pihak tanpa perpecahan khasnya dari Pakatan Rakyat sendiri.

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